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[ MULTI ] Far Cry 3


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 19:51

habs erst vor 2 Tagen gespielt und da war das alles drin.
fand den MP aber ansich eh nie gut weil man zb immer die waffen neu freischalten musste in jedem spiel mit den steinen.
und auf konsole was die empfindlichkeit der trigger und der sticks auch iwie kacke. leichte verzögerun aber was mich mehr gestört hat war das man wirklich die trigger komplett druchdrücken musste bevor er geschossen oder gezielt hat. also ob man die gleiche config genomen hat wie auf der PS3 weil die trigger da ja viel weniger freiraum haben. ansonsten war er eher durchschnittlich aber hat spaß gemacht.

in den videos sah alles sehr smooth aus wie ich schon sagte. auf konsole mach ich mir eben sorgen das es träge wird wegen der hardwareleistung :S
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 20:01

als ob er mich gehört hätte :D

El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 21:21

sry wenn was doppelt ist


(Q) - During a match in FC2 if votes were turned on we often had players voting to extend the match time / ban players from the match / restart the match – At times it got very annoying especially when someone would cast a vote and then leave the match, have you implemented any changes into Far Cry 3 to make this a better experience and does the host have more control?
(A) “- When jumping into Multiplayer the default option will be official “playlists”. This is the place to be if you don’t want people to mess with your game as described above.”
(Q) - Can weapons run out of ammo and if they do what is the process?
(A) “- Sure they can. If you run out of ammo you will have to acquire more by walking over killed enemies. You can always pick up weapons from dead enemies and use them instead when ammo gets low.”
(Q) - Are there any options to manually change the length of the match and to also alter the spawn time in matches?
(A) “- When running a private game the host will have different options available when setting up a game, these are however not set in stone quite yet. Most players will join an official “playlist”, and those run with default options.”
(Q) - Do you in some areas of multiplayer try to do things which would fit in with sections from the single player story?
(A) “- We do try to fit in with the single player campaign; it is after all the same game and universe that the multiplayer action takes place in. We want everything to have that FarCry:ish feel to it, be it dropped psych gas that alters your mind or full sleeve tattoos on gun wielding pirates! As an example of this, when you’re playing multiplayer, you are actually playing as one of two factions; Vaas pirates or Citra’s rebels.”
(Q) - Preordering at GameStop gives the Monkey Business Pack; part of the package says 2 Bonus Ways to humiliate your friends – are we talking Takedown Moves here?
(A) “- We’re talking about the interactive cinematic after each round, where the best player of the winning team gets to choose between punishing or honoring the best player on the losing team.”
(Q) - Can we use both grenades and Molotov in multiplayer or do we only get to use one or the other depending on which class / load out we select?
(A) “- What gadgets and weapons you carry into battle are solely based on what type of loadout you choose to equip. You can either use the pre-existing ones or make your own!”
(Q) - In multiplayer how does it work with collecting and upgrading weapons, can we collect everything available or are there sacrifices where you can only use a set number and might have to drop one choice to select or use another?
(A) “- You can collect everything.”
(Q) - Can you confirm if the knife can be used while in water?
(A) “- There is no underwater fighting in Multiplayer.”
(Q) - Will players have a tighter turning radius while sprinting, than we have in FC2?
(A) “- Yes.”
(Q) - Will players have the ability to drag injured teammates to cover?
(A) “- No, if you wish to save a team-mate clinging on to life, reviving him is the way to go. Also, when you are revived your Battle Cry is reset, so the revived player can instantly do a Battle Cry as a way of saying “thank you” when he’s back on his feet.”
(Q) - Will players have the ability to opt out or use weapons while reviving teammate?
(A) “- The reviving process is pretty quick, but you are vulnerable while helping your team mate up so it’s best to secure the area first.”
(Q) - Will players be able to use weapons or melee on ladders?
(A) “- You can use your sidearm on ziplines. On ladders both hands are busy!”
(Q) - Will players have the option to drop or slide off a ladder?
(A) “- Yes.”
(Q) - Will ladders no longer require a ****on prompt?
(A) “- Most likely… “
(Q) - Will we have the ability to preview camera views? We couldn't in FC2.
(A) “- We don’t have spectator cameras like in FC2. In the beginning of the game we have a camera “fly-over.”
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 21:21


(Q) - Bot's would be pretty nice, even if to guarantee a full lobby for games, especially on the bigger maps?
(A) "- Definitely nice, but it’s not in our feature list."
(Q) - Will there be an Object Properties Menu of some sort?
(A) "- No."
(Q) - Will we finally have emitters available in the editor for water, smoke, fire, etc?
(A) "- There should be more of them available this time."
(Q) - Will water be restricted to one plane as in FC2, or will we be allowed to add water at different heights?
(A) "- We are currently looking into this."
(Q) - Do we still get destructible objects and items with physics in the FC3 Editor?
(A) "- It’s a very tricky issue, as they are typically very expensive on network bandwidth. We are doing our best to see how we can help it to make as much available as possible."
(Q) - When it comes to spawn points, can you assign them to different game modes (have specific spawn points for Domination and separate spawn points for Firestorm)?
(A) "- Yes."
(Q) - Will there be a tool in the editor for making caves or waterfalls?
(A) "- It is very likely there will be better tools to help with this."
(Q) - Will there be any form of object editor? (Where you can use shapes and stickers to make an object)?
(A) "- We are currently looking into a feature for users to be able to make groups of objects, automatically selecting them together to ease editing, for example a house and its content. But I would not quite call that “object editing”."
(Q) - What will the limit be? (Far Cry 2 had a 40,000 limit or has this not been addressed yet)?
(A) "- Most likely similar to FC2, but the average object cost and total object limit remains to be determined with our testing."
(Q) - Will you be able to "lock" specific weapons in your custom map?
(A) "- No, PvP loadout always applies. Weapon pickups should be available for placement, but I am not sure if there is a respawn mechanism for them."
(Q) - Will we be seeing more paint textures? (For example, might be nice to see a bit of snow on an arctic themed map)?
(A) "- There are more of them, though they are still based on what the game has."

(Q) - Quick question about Achievement / Trophy points. Will there be any for multiplayer? Far Cry 2's "Warlord" and "Soldier of Misfortune" are rediculously hard to obtain (without boosting) -- just hoping careful planning goes into making fun (yet challenging) achievements.
(A) "- The Achievements / Trophies are still being discussed, but we are aware that Mr_Cataluchi (judging from his signature) weren’t happy with these two achievements ."
(Q) - I have one problem, there seems to be the potential for Firestorm matches to go on forever. Im sure it wouldn't happen too often, but if the water gets called in three or four times in a row, it could cause a match to last way too long. People will eventually quit. Is there a potential that if the host quits, everyone could lose the progress they earned during the match? Have there been any measures taken to ensure this doesn't happen? Is there any way the match could end in a draw? Maybe if the water gets called in once by each team they go down to one node a piece?
(A) "- The Firestorm matches have a time limit and could end in a draw if no team manages to end the match. If the timer ends in certain states the match can also go into a Sudden Death state."
(Q) - Can pick up weapons of dead players recently been killed, is this true and if so - the weapon you pick up if this is one you previously did not have do you get to keep it for good?
(A) "- No, if you pick up a weapon you haven’t unlocked you will only keep it until you die."
(Q) - For FC3 will we be able to see how many times our maps have been rated?
(A) "- Yes, you can see how many players have Liked and added your map as a Favorite. See below for more information on how the rating is calculated."
(Q) - Will there be a built in record feature so you can easily show off your maps? maybe via Far Cry website. (like driver SF has)?
(A) "- Users can take a screenshot in the editor which will be available on the website as well so you can show it off on the forums."
(Q) - How will the rating be? (Star ratings, Like/Dislike ratio or something different)?
(A) "- The rating is calculated out of several different factors, as a user you will have the option to Like the map and mark the map as a Favorite after you played it or initiate a vote to skip it during the match. These factors, plus others e.g. number of times played, calculate the rating. We will continue to work and polish on these algorithms to get the rating perfect!"
(Q) - Will you be able to costumize how your character looks like?
(A) "- Yes, you will be able to create your own tattoos and add/remove them from your arms using our tattoo editor."
(Q) - Will we be able to customize our characters outfits?
(A) "- No, you can however customize your weapons, weapon attachments, skills, battle cries and support weapons."
(Q) - Will we be able to create and save our own map playlists? Are there any limits to the number of maps we can host (in FC2 it as 15)? Is it possible in FC3 to migrate the host mid-game if connection is lost?
(A) "- No, custom map playlists can’t be saved between play sessions and yes, we have in-game host migration!"
(Q) - What are you doing to stop people from "Boosting" their maps to Gold status? For example, some people i joined in far cry 2 wanted me to deliberately give their rather shoddy map a 5 star rating and then ask me to leave so more people could join.
(A) "- Maps in the Gold Tier are monitored by us and we are working on different ways to prevent boosting."
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 21:31


1.(Q) - Quick question about Achievement / Trophy points. Will there be any for multiplayer? Far Cry 2's "Warlord" and "Soldier of Misfortune" are rediculously hard to obtain (without boosting) -- just hoping careful planning goes into making fun (yet challenging) achievements.
(A) "- The Achievements / Trophies are still being discussed."
2.(Q) - I have one problem, there seems to be the potential for Firestorm matches to go on forever. Im sure it wouldn't happen too often, but if the water gets called in three or four times in a row, it could cause a match to last way too long. People will eventually quit. Is there a potential that if the host quits, everyone could lose the progress they earned during the match? Have there been any measures taken to ensure this doesn't happen? Is there any way the match could end in a draw? Maybe if the water gets called in once by each team they go down to one node a piece?
(A) "- The Firestorm matches have a time limit and could end in a draw if no team manages to end the match. If the timer ends in certain states the match can also go into a Sudden Death state."
3.(Q) - Can pick up weapons of dead players recently been killed, is this true and if so - the weapon you pick up if this is one you previously did not have do you get to keep it for good?
(A) "- No, if you pick up a weapon you haven’t unlocked you will only keep it until you die."
4.(Q) - For FC3 will we be able to see how many times our maps have been rated?
(A) "- Yes, you can see how many players have Liked and added your map as a Favorite. See below for more information on how the rating is calculated."
5.(Q) - Will there be a built in record feature so you can easily show off your maps? maybe via Far Cry website. (like driver SF has)?
(A) "- Users can take a screenshot in the editor which will be available on the website as well so you can show it off on the forums."
6.(Q) - How will the rating be? (Star ratings, Like/Dislike ratio or something different)?
(A) "- The rating is calculated out of several different factors, as a user you will have the option to Like the map and mark the map as a Favorite after you played it or initiate a vote to skip it during the match. These factors, plus others e.g. number of times played, calculate the rating. We will continue to work and polish on these algorithms to get the rating perfect!"
7.(Q) - Will you be able to costumize how your character looks like?
(A) "- Yes, you will be able to create your own tattoos and add/remove them from your arms using our tattoo editor."
8.(Q) - Will we be able to customize our characters outfits?
(A) "- No, you can however customize your weapons, weapon attachments, skills, battle cries and support weapons."
9.(Q) - Will we be able to create and save our own map playlists? Are there any limits to the number of maps we can host (in FC2 it as 15)? Is it possible in FC3 to migrate the host mid-game if connection is lost?
(A) "- No, custom map playlists can’t be saved between play sessions and yes, we have in-game host migration!"
10.(Q) - What are you doing to stop people from "Boosting" their maps to Gold status? For example, some people i joined in far cry 2 wanted me to deliberately give their rather shoddy map a 5 star rating and then ask me to leave so more people could join.
(A) "- Maps in the Gold Tier are monitored by us and we are working on different ways to prevent boosting."
11.(Q) - About the Battle-Cry, it has possibilities IF you can keep your team together. But that's not the nature of the beast for consoles, just too many randoms. Are you concerned that this team perk will become a frustrating barrage of airstrikes by organized teams? Also, is there any way players could abuse Battle-Cry by boosting?
(A)" - Organized teams will always have the upper hand in matches, just like in almost any competitive games out there. The Battle Cry is not going to be THE ONLY THING THAT causes the more organized team to win though, it will just be one of the factors. The team working together and communicating most effectively will probably come out on top in a match, because of pure team-work. The Battle Cry system is not really exploitable in that way. You can’t spam it and you definitely won’t benefit from hiding in the outskirts of the map shouting away while the enemy team controls the map. That will cause you to lose the match quickly.

The Battle Shout should be used as soon as it is off cool down and preferably while you are close to your whole team. IF your team is running together in an organized pack, using the Battle Cries and covering each other’s backs and playing as a unit you’ll have the upper hand for sure. Then again, running in a group might cause you to lose undefended nodes and get your whole team wiped out from a well placed support weapon, so it’s a trade-off."

12.(Q) - Will there be prone?
(A) "- No, there’s no prone."
13.(Q) - My understanding is that the game ships with 4 modes and 10 maps. 4 modes isn't enough, so do you plan to add more game modes at a later date?
(A) "- It is a tad bit early to discuss stuff like DLC and whatnot."
14.(Q) - Will there be a custom game lobby?
(A) "- Yes."
15.(Q) - Will we have options to turn off perks, killstreaks, weapons, etc?
(A) "- When creating custom games players will be able to set different rules and settings. Details on which settings are changeable are still being worked on."
16.(Q) - The Tattoo Editor - Can we only tattoo the arms or can we go crazy and do something from the movie The Hangover (like Mike Tyson) can we also tattoo the face? For anyone that has not yet read there will be a tattoo editor in the game which has small designs that can be joined up to create your own mauri styled designs for your character.
(A) "- The tattoo editor will allow you to create and add/remove tattoos from your characters arms."
17.(Q) - Any other form of player customization? (I notice in some pictures that players have satchels / ammo belts accross their chest and backpacks).
(A) "- You will be able to customize your weapons, weapon attachments, skills, battle cries, support weapons and tattoos."
18.(Q) - Is there voice chat in MP?
(A) "- Yes."
19.(Q) - Are team support points shared among the team or individually earned?
(A) "- Team support points are individually earned and spent by you and you alone."
20.(Q) - During a match in FC2 if votes were turned on we often had players voting to extend the match time / ban players from the match / restart the match – At times it got very annoying especially when someone would cast a vote and then leave the match, have you implemented any changes into Far Cry 3 to make this a better experience and does the host have more control?
(A) “- When jumping into Multiplayer the default option will be official “playlists”. This is the place to be if you don’t want people to mess with your game as described above.”
21.(Q) - Can weapons run out of ammo and if they do what is the process?
(A) “- Sure they can. If you run out of ammo you will have to acquire more by walking over killed enemies. You can always pick up weapons from dead enemies and use them instead when ammo gets low.”
22.(Q) - Are there any options to manually change the length of the match and to also alter the spawn time in matches?
(A) “- When running a private game the host will have different options available when setting up a game, these are however not set in stone quite yet. Most players will join an official “playlist”, and those run with default options.”
23.(Q) - Do you in some areas of multiplayer try to do things which would fit in with sections from the single player story?
(A) “- We do try to fit in with the single player campaign; it is after all the same game and universe that the multiplayer action takes place in. We want everything to have that FarCry:ish feel to it, be it dropped psych gas that alters your mind or full sleeve tattoos on gun wielding pirates! As an example of this, when you’re playing multiplayer, you are actually playing as one of two factions; Vaas pirates or Citra’s rebels.”
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 21:33


24.(Q) - Preordering at GameStop gives the Monkey Business Pack; part of the package says 2 Bonus Ways to humiliate your friends – are we talking Takedown Moves here?
(A) “- We’re talking about the interactive cinematic after each round, where the best player of the winning team gets to choose between punishing or honoring the best player on the losing team.”
25.(Q) - Can we use both grenades and Molotov in multiplayer or do we only get to use one or the other depending on which class / load out we select?
(A) “- What gadgets and weapons you carry into battle are solely based on what type of loadout you choose to equip. You can either use the pre-existing ones or make your own!”
26.(Q) - In multiplayer how does it work with collecting and upgrading weapons, can we collect everything available or are there sacrifices where you can only use a set number and might have to drop one choice to select or use another?
(A) “- You can collect everything.”
27.(Q) - Can you confirm if the knife can be used while in water?
(A) “- There is no underwater fighting in Multiplayer.”
28.(Q) - Will players have a tighter turning radius while sprinting, than we have in FC2?
(A) “- Yes.”
29.(Q) - Will players have the ability to drag injured teammates to cover?
(A) “- No, if you wish to save a team-mate clinging on to life, reviving him is the way to go. Also, when you are revived your Battle Cry is reset, so the revived player can instantly do a Battle Cry as a way of saying “thank you” when he’s back on his feet.”
30.(Q) - Will players have the ability to opt out or use weapons while reviving teammate?
(A) “- The reviving process is pretty quick, but you are vulnerable while helping your team mate up so it’s best to secure the area first.”
31.(Q) - Will players be able to use weapons or melee on ladders?
(A) “- You can use your sidearm on ziplines. On ladders both hands are busy!”
32.(Q) - Will players have the option to drop or slide off a ladder?
(A) “- Yes.”
33.(Q) - Will ladders no longer require a ****on prompt?
(A) “- Most likely… “


(Q) - I think the MP looks great but I'm a little bit concerned about the map editor (please not something like HALO forge) will it be as big as the one in Far Cry 2?
(A) - It will be as big, and then some more. We are basically building using the FC2 editor as foundation. There are also a good number of surprises in store.
(Q) - Are you going to ship with a complete (Or almost complete) map editor for the PCs this time? (Extends the game's life time a LOT.)
(A) - It depends on your definition of complete. If by complete, you mean the exact same editor and tools we use in production, then no, unfortunately it is not going to happen. It is just way, way too complex and unintuitive (please believe us!) for use by a few persons, not to mention a lot of ties with our production work flow that are simply impossible to export or expose externally. This is not desirable for anyone.

Please understand we are not in any way underestimating the capacity of the modding community, babysitting the users, or “dumbing it down” for consoles. We have participated in modding projects ourselves; we know the amazing strength of the community. But being mod-friendly is not a feature of the Dunia engine, unfortunately.

What we can do is focusing on what is possible to do from an end-user perspective, and exposing features in a carefully designed interface to allow as much as possible without being unnecessarily complex. We are working very hard to give the community the most power we can manage. We want that just as much as you do! But our resources are limited and very difficult choices must be made.

(Q) - With Ubisoft Montreal creating the Single Player game and Ubisoft Massive - Sweden doing the Multiplayer and the Editor I would like to know who dictates what goes into the Editor where items and vegetation is concerned, Massive were you told that you can include anything from the single player game already made, or do you have the freedom to design and include your own stuff for the editor.
(A) - Our current approach is to expose as much content as possible. As such, this time around, an overwhelming majority of the assets you see in the game, in both single player and multiplayer maps, will be exposed and available in the editor.

What this also means is to expect a lot of unfiltered content. There will be a LOT of assets. In fact, there is so many of them we will likely not be able to perfectly review and categorize each individual object and make sure it is easily usable. But this also means there will be plenty of hidden gems to be found, and creativity will once again be the key to success. We are confident the community will be able to manage this amount of content over time, and figure out the best usage patterns.

As much as we wanted to, we have not had time to design objects from scratch for the editor. We’re shipping a huge game; we believe there will already be a lot of objects to have fun with!

(Q) - And in Far Cry 2 one of the worst things I witnessed was the collision detection with the terrain, In a lot of areas it was dreadful trying to get out of the water onto what looked like flat land (everything had to be super smooth) Did you have to address this for Far Cry 3?
(A) - We have not tested this scenario in the editor yet, but we are adding that on our list of stuff to investigate. Thanks!
(Q) - Can we still control map size, terrain, vegetation, and textures? Are there still options for those besides 'Jungle'?
(A) - Map size is fixed at 512x512 meters, which is the exact same as FC2. Terrain, vegetation and textures can still be modified like in FC2, with more assets and a few extra features we’re sure you’ll appreciate.
(Q) - Will you make all the brushes from single player available in the editor?
(A) - Already answered above.
(Q) - Can we lock our maps from being edited by others?
(A) - Yes, this is now the default.
(Q) - Is there a limitation for maps published per author?
(A) - We will have limits for practical reasons, but rest assured we will set those high enough and monitor usage post-launch so that no one feels unreasonably constrained by them.
(Q) - You mentioned having a big selection of pre built buildings being available in the editor (Which I love hearing). You don't have to get detailed as I'm sure it will be announced in detail later, but will there also be building block type items for building our own buildings? (stand alone Walls/floors/windows/etc.)
(A) - To the best of our knowledge, we have not seen anything explicitly designed as such in our object database. However, there are areas of our game built using some modular pieces, so it might be possible to use them together to create really cool stuff!
(Q) - and will we be able to place mode specific items in the map maker ala Halo's Forge? (IE you place a building that is only visible in domination but not in firestorm)
(A) - Items that are specific to a game-mode, such as a Domination capture point for instance, are only visible in that game mode. As for other objects, our interface unfortunately does not support object layers, as there are quite a few issues involved with those. Good to see you’re interested in those! We will take that in note for the future.
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Freitag, 4. Mai 2012, 21:36


Multiplayer Related Questions

(Q) - About the Battle-Cry, it has possibilities IF you can keep your team together. But that's not the nature of the beast for consoles, just too many randoms. Are you concerned that this team perk will become a frustrating barrage of airstrikes by organized teams? Also, is there any way players could abuse Battle-Cry by boosting?
(A) - Organized teams will always have the upper hand in matches, just like in almost any competitive games out there. The Battle Cry is not going to be THE ONLY THING THAT causes the more organized team to win though, it will just be one of the factors. The team working together and communicating most effectively will probably come out on top in a match, because of pure team-work. The Battle Cry system is not really exploitable in that way. You can’t spam it and you definitely won’t benefit from hiding in the outskirts of the map shouting away while the enemy team controls the map. That will cause you to lose the match quickly. The Battle Shout should be used as soon as it is off cool down and preferably while you are close to your whole team. IF your team is running together in an organized pack, using the Battle Cries and covering each other’s backs and playing as a unit you’ll have the upper hand for sure. Then again, running in a group might cause you to lose undefended nodes and get your whole team wiped out from a well placed support weapon, so it’s a trade-off.
(Q) - Will there be prone?
(A) - No, there’s no prone.
(Q) - My understanding is that the game ships with 4 modes and 10 maps. 4 modes isn't enough, so do you plan to add more game modes at a later date?
(A) - It is a tad bit early to discuss stuff like DLC and whatnot.
(Q) - Will there be a custom game lobby?
(A) - Yes.
(Q) - Will we have options to turn off perks, killstreaks, weapons, etc?
(A) - When creating custom games players will be able to set different rules and settings. Details on which settings are changeable are still being worked on.

Is ziemlich viel. Weis nicht wie man das übersichtlicher machen könnte ?(
hätte ja nen link gepostet aber die ganzen fragen waren durcheinander im ganzen forum verteilt
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Montag, 7. Mai 2012, 18:13

hab mal wieder FC2 gespielt. die steuerung is wirklich sehr träge. und die empfindlichkeitsbeschleunigung is sehr sehr nervig. weis nicht obs die auch auf PC gibt. hoffentlich wird FC3 flüssiger und genauer.
die leute die es auf der PAX schon gespielt haben meinten zwar es sei wirklich ziemlich "smooth" aber dazu muss mans erst mal selbst spielen
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine



Beiträge: 2 164

Wohnort: New Vegas

Beruf: Mutantenjäger

  • Nuada GER
  • Private Nachricht senden


Montag, 7. Mai 2012, 19:17

bin auch gerade wieder zur einstimmung mit FC2 beschäftigt.die steuerung ist mehr als nervig.
hoffen wir mal das es bei FC3 besser wird.


Montag, 7. Mai 2012, 23:04

hab mal wieder FC2 gespielt. die steuerung is wirklich sehr träge. und die empfindlichkeitsbeschleunigung is sehr sehr nervig. weis nicht obs die auch auf PC gibt.
Kann mich an keiner nervigen Steuerung am PC erinnern. Habe sie sehr gut in Erinnerung.


Montag, 7. Mai 2012, 23:21

hab mal wieder FC2 gespielt. die steuerung is wirklich sehr träge. und die empfindlichkeitsbeschleunigung is sehr sehr nervig. weis nicht obs die auch auf PC gibt.
Kann mich an keiner nervigen Steuerung am PC erinnern. Habe sie sehr gut in Erinnerung.

Auf Konsole empfand ich sie auch als durchaus tragbar. Nicht perfekt, aber es gibt weitaus schlimmeres. ;)


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 00:12

Für den SP hats gerade so gerreicht für mein Empfinden.
Der MP war dadurch eher schlecht. Man merkts so oft das man kaum zu töten ist wenn man rennt weil man kaum zielen kann durch diese Empfindlichkeitsbeschleunigung.
Der MP von FC3 sieht sehr Fast Paced aus und da muss die Steuerung deutlich besser werden. Die haben aber schon getwittert das 2 Studios daran gearbeitet haben die Steueurng zu verbessern.
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 00:54

Du mit deiner Steuerung :whistling: . Mir ist ehrlich gesagt bis jetzt kein Egoshooter ins Konsolenlaufwerk gekommen wo ich sagen würde die Steuerung war schlecht. Sicher ist sie in jeden Spiel etwas anders (wäre ja sonst auch langweilig), ist aber alles nur gewöhnungssache :P !


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 01:07

Du mit deiner Steuerung :whistling: . Mir ist ehrlich gesagt bis jetzt kein Egoshooter ins Konsolenlaufwerk gekommen wo ich sagen würde die Steuerung war schlecht. Sicher ist sie in jeden Spiel etwas anders (wäre ja sonst auch langweilig), ist aber alles nur gewöhnungssache :P !

ihr versteht halt nicht warum CoD so flüssig ist und der Rest, bis auf FCIP, nicht annähernd so direkt und flüssig. Das es an den FPS liegt will ja keiner glauben.
Als PC Spieler versteht mans eh nicht weil man da bei fast jedem Spiel 90 oder mehr FPS hat.
aber ihr verstehts nicht und deshalb lassen wir das lieber :rolleyes2:

weis einer wie das mit den Pre Order DLCs abläuft? da gibts 3 verschiedene im mom.
eins hat 2 extra missionen, ein andere 4 extra missionen und dann noch eins mit extra tatoos für den MP und nen DOlche für den SP.
ich hab ehrlich gesagt keine lust wieder auf die hälfte verzichten zu müssen. das hass ich an Ubisoft -_- die machen diese zig tausend pre order pakete bei jedem spiel
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 01:34

ihr versteht halt nicht warum CoD so flüssig ist und der Rest, bis auf FCIP, nicht annähernd so direkt und flüssig. Das es an den FPS liegt will ja keiner glauben.
Als PC Spieler versteht mans eh nicht weil man da bei fast jedem Spiel 90 oder mehr FPS hat.
aber ihr verstehts nicht und deshalb lassen wir das lieber :rolleyes2:

weis einer wie das mit den Pre Order DLCs abläuft? da gibts 3 verschiedene im mom.
eins hat 2 extra missionen, ein andere 4 extra missionen und dann noch eins mit extra tatoos für den MP und nen DOlche für den SP.
ich hab ehrlich gesagt keine lust wieder auf die hälfte verzichten zu müssen. das hass ich an Ubisoft -_- die machen diese zig tausend pre order pakete bei jedem spiel
Was soll denn das für schreckliches Spiel sein wo man 90 FPS + hat? ;)
Habe kein aktuelles Spiel wo ich soviel FPS habe, trotz, ich sage mal, dass ich einen guten Rechner habe. Verstehen tue ich das schon. Verstehe auch den Unterschied, da selbst mit BF3 am PC getestet. Allerdings bin ich trotzdem der Meinung dass es gewöhnungssache ist! Und außerdem spielen an der Box alle unter den selben Bedingung, deshalb finde ich das nicht so tragisch wenn es nur 30 FPS sind. Man kann es trotzdem gut spielen! (Im übrigen am PC bei BF3 bevorzuge ich aber auch mehr als 30 FPS (min 40-45 finde ich optimal), aber nur weil ich mehr haben kann!, ginge nicht mehr FPS für alle! wäre es auch okay).
Zum Thema Pre Order DLC. Keine Ahnung! Ich warte noch ab mit den Bestellen. Weiß ja auch noch gar nicht ob ich es für Konsole oder PC hole :D. Gekauft wird es aber definitiv!
Edit: Pre Order Sachen:


Mit jeder dieser Vorbestellungen schaltest du unterschiedliche Inhalte frei.

Verlorene Expeditionen
[Überall erhätlich u.a. im UBIShop]:

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Quelle (offizielle Far Cry Homepage)
So wie ich das lese gibt es nur 2 Zusatzmissionen, die es aber überall gibt! Egal wo man vorbestellt. Die anderen beiden Packs gibt es je bei Amazon und Gamestop. Naja mir reichen die Zusatzmissionen. Das andere brauche ich nicht!
Achso Onlinepass liegt garantiert auch allen Version bei ;).


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 01:48

das hunter pack hab ich gesucht. es wird auch ne limited geben " insane edition" heisst die. ich hoffe das sind alle sachen dabei.
bei gamesstop bestellen will ich nämlich eig nicht weil ich keine KK hab und meinen perso da auch nicht hinschicken will

es sei denn das die M700 wirklich nur für den SP gilt. ich hab in den off screen vids schon R700 gameplay gesehen im MP. deshalb hoff ich das man das nicht braucht um die auch im MP zu haben
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 02:14

Das steht doch eigentlich alles haargenau auf den Screens was es wo gibt und wofür das ist. Da brauchst du nicht hoffen. Wenn das auf der offiziellen Homepage so steht dann ist das so!
Die Insane Edition wird das erste sein. D.h. die "Standardversion". Hat mit den Pre Order Packs nichts zu tun behaupte ich mal.


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 02:23

klipp und klar is da garnichts. auf nem anderen screen stand zb das die tribals für den MP sind und der dolch für den SP + den frühen zugriff auf den tatoo editor.

und die insane edition wird es geben. laut ein paar news soll da ein season pass dabei sein durch den mal alle DLC bekommt + survival guide und noch irgendwas in so nem rucksack verpackt.

im UBI forum herrscht da auch noch verwirrung was die pre order boni angeht. selbst die entwickler wissen noch nicht genau wie und was. als einer sie gefragt hat konnte er keine informationen geben weil ers selbst nicht wusste.
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 02:33

Ja und? Dann ist doch auch alles klar :D. Abwarten und Tee trinken, fertig!
Ist doch bei jeden Spiel so. Ehe die Pre Order Sachen komplett feststehen dauert es oft bis ca 1 Monat vor Release. Und wie lange haben wir es jetzt noch ;)? Und selbst wenn, bestelle es doch wo du möchtest heute noch. Ändern sie morgen was oder passt es dir nicht mehr, dann stornier halt und bestelle woanders.
Aber keine Angst, die Pre Order Geschichte wird sich schon noch rechtzetig vor Release auflösen :D. War bis jetzt immer so, wird auch bei FC3 nicht anders sein.
Übrigens: was heutzutage im allgemeinen eine "Limited Edition" bedeutet sollte jawohl klar sein, oder? Das beinhaltet immer auf alle Fälle den Online Pass. Manchmal auch noch mehr (Bsp. BF3 - Back to Karkand)


Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 02:39

naja die BF3 limited war ja eig keine limited, bei uns im MM gabs gar keine andere version und selbst heute kann man bei den großen händlern noch die limited kaufen.

übrigends wurde über twitter gefragt was man in der limited gerne haben möchte. gibts nen thread auch zu. mal sehen was da wirklich kommt. hab kein eluste da nen unnötig hohen preis zu zahlen nur weil das irgend so ein nutzloser mist drin ist :D

wenns nen season pass gibt kann man den sowieso auch seperat auf xbox live kaufen.

aber bis auf Story DLCs und waffen dlcs kann man da kaum was sinnvolles machen glaub ich ^^

durch den Tatoo editor und den map editor ergibt sich da nicht viel. vor allem weil man die besten Maps ja in die puplic liste machen will.
El Fútbol Es La Vida

Black Tiger Sex Machine

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