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Sonntag, 5. September 2010, 12:12

Harley ist ja mal richtig lecker geworden! :thumbup:

Catwoman ist mir iwie zu brav. :S

hier wurde aber definitiv ein besserer Coop-Partner gewählt als Robin! :D


Sonntag, 5. September 2010, 14:18

Viele Neue Infos aus dem OXM. ( nicht ganz spoilerfrei )

ACHTUNG SPOILER! Hier klicken um einzusehen
- Arkham City is four or five times larger than Arkham Asylum.
- The game starts by being briefed by Alfred, he explains the Two-Face vs Catwoman situation and you start heading to the area where the two are located.
- Batman is now much more agile, he is now able to plunge into a dive mid glide to accelerate flight.
- Two-Face has a gang roaming Arkham City, you will find them wearing face masks replicating their boss'.
- Criminals who aren't connected with any super villains roam the street.
- Story suggests that Professor Strange has been kidnapping Gotham citizens who are opposed to Arkham City.
- One and half years after the original game.
- Use new detective mode to discover a thugs super villain boss. This will be used to find The Riddlers men.
- The Riddler is in Arkham City, they hint you are almost certain to come face to face with him.
- Jack Ryder has been put into Arkham City due to him becoming to close to the truth on the city while working on an expose. Rocksteady were hesitant to reveal what Ryder had uncovered.
- Your first meeting with Two-Face is early on in the game. You are greeted with him displaying Catwoman tied up side down to a baying crowd of criminals. His two conflicting personalities being voiced out loud.
- Two-Face decides Catwoman's fate with the iconic coin toss. She gets lucky this time.
- The first confrontation with Two-Face results in Batman getting shot in the chest only for Catwoman to slip out of her chains and hit Two-Face into the acid she was about to be chucked into. A flirtatious conversation is then held between Catwoman and Batman only to be interrupted by a smiley face sniper dot rolling up Catwoman's suit. The shot is fired and misses her by a whisker.
- Your first detective mode experience is finding the bullet hole on the floor and figuring out its trajectory.
- Trajectory reveals the location of the shot. A bell tower housed by the Joker.
- Joker has a potentially fatal desease.
- Calendar Man is confirmed.
- The date and time effect your interaction with Calendar Man, set your console of PC's time a month ahead from last and you will receive a completely different conversation.
- Batman's launcher has received an upgrade, you can now stop at anytime instead of being forced to the end every time.
- You are pitted against a lot more thugs at once compared to the original game.
- Increased amount of combat animations.
- Phone booths ring only for thugs to stand by it, afraid to answer. Rumours going round suggest anyone that answers these calls end up dead.
- The mysterious caller ends up being Victor Zsasz, this starts one of many side quests in the game.
- To start the side quest you must follow a number of ringing phone boxes only to greeted with him at the final one.
- Co-Op seems to be hinted. Catwoman has very similar combat techniques to Batman when in game.
- Rocksteady suggest Crime Alley will make an appearance.
- Rocksteady insist that the only confirmed villains so far are the ones you have seen.


Sonntag, 5. September 2010, 14:39

Klingt alles so fett! Ich hoffe, es gibts genügend Side Mission.


Donnerstag, 9. September 2010, 09:02

da bekommt man doch glatt wieder lust arkham asylum nochmal durchzuspielen! Das spiel ist SOWAS VON GEKAUFT! wills jetzt sofort haben :D


Dienstag, 21. September 2010, 15:02


UK OPM’s Batman issue has dropped a metric fuck-load of new Arkham City info in its cover feature, which is full of both the game’s recently leaked screens and never-before-seen character art.

Warning: spoilers.

There’s a lot of new information here, gleaned from a Rocksteady demo seen by the British official mag.

Firstly, there’s the premise. Arkham Aslyum boss turned Gotham mayor Quincy Sharp has fenced off “miles” of Gotham City, filled it with criminals and “thrown away the key”. Their only rule is that they’re not allowed to leave. Aside from that, Gotham’s underclass is left to its own devices. Arkham City’s warden is Hugo Strange, a mystery character to Batman.

The fenced-off area is five times the size of Arkham Asylum. Batman, obviously, doesn’t like it: “He’s been monitoring this place,” said director Sefton Hill. “He’s worried. He thinks it’s a time-bomb waiting to explode into the streets of Gotham.”

Batman’s taken to patrolling AC. The setting is described as “a mix of Tim Burton’s original Batman movie and a touch of Escape from New York,” with spires and graveyards swapped for alleys and streets.

The mag was promised that despite the huge play area, “every nook and cranny has a story.” Also, thanks to distances, Bats will need a way to move around. When asked if vehicles will be included, Warner PR said it’s “something we’ll cover at a later date.”

Fly me to the moon

Wheels or not, Batman can essentially fly this time round. He has a new gadget called a Grapple Boost, which pulls him up and launches him into the air, and can be combined with a new dive which pulls into high-speed, street level flight.

He also now has a second zip line which he can shoot out while using the first: think classic Spider Man.

Hill promised the anti-hero now has new moves for “running across rooftops, blending in, running while grappling, sliding underneath objects” and “jumping between objects.”

Batman can also, “Slide and smash through vents, slide straight into hanging off an edge. You can dive through windows and over railings as well.”

The mag was shown a mission in which Batman needs to rescue Catwoman, as she’s been kidnapped by Two-Face. In it, Bats uses a Grapple Roll and a quick takedown to remove a sniper. He ends up facing 40 enemies at Two-Face’s Courthouse, although Hill promised the would be “bigger fights”.

Basic fighting is “the same,” according to OPM, with combinations of punches, kicks and throws. Additions include the ability to throw back projectiles, launch aerial attacks from walls and windows and unleash “beatdown” flurry attacks. He can also backflip and spray explosive gel on the floor before detonating it to stun opponents.

Twos-up on Catwoman

And get this. There’s a not-so-subtle hint that Catwoman is a playable, co-op character. She uses her whip in the mission in the same way Batman uses his zip line. Hill wouldn’t be drawn when asked directly if she was controllable.

“I’m not allowed to comment on that,” he said.

“Forensics” is something Rocksteady wants to push in the sequel, and Batman will be “solving crimes with multiple bits of evidence.” There are loads of side-stories in the game this time, Hill added, although the developer doesn’t “force you to do those. It’s your choice.”

Harley Quinn was also seen in the demo, as was the more traditional, Arkham Aslyum gameplay of hunting goons from above in closed environments. Additions here include a hanging takedown where Batman throttles a man from above with his legs, and the ability to punch through panels to get to enemies on the other side.

Arkham City is out next autumn for PS3, 360 and PC




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Mittwoch, 22. September 2010, 00:02

Wenn es nur nicht noch bis nächsten Herbst dauern würde... ;(

Früher zählte das Erreichte, heute reicht das Erzählte...



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Mittwoch, 22. September 2010, 08:03

ja, vorallem schlimm, wenn man daran denkt, dass sie das jahr eh nur noch nehmen um bugfixes zu machen und sachen zu verfeinern -.-'''



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Donnerstag, 23. September 2010, 17:41

Das wiederum finde ich richtig gut. Also das die sich die Zeit dafür nehmen! Gibt genug Spiele, die aufgrund Zeitdruck verbuggt rauskommen...

Früher zählte das Erreichte, heute reicht das Erzählte...



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Samstag, 25. September 2010, 10:10

ja, aber wenns wirklich erst im herbst naechsten jahres raus kommen sollte.. dann ist es noch ueber ein jahr?!
das find ich ein wenig uebertrieben.. da reicht doch sicherlich auch bis zum fruehjahr ^^
die erwartungen werden halt auch eher groesser als kleiner, wenn man weiss dass das spiel schon fertig ist und die nur noch kleinigkeiten aendern..

ich hoffe ja wirklich dass das game nen coop modus hat.. :)
mp ist ja irgendwie schon klar ^^ :thumbsup:



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Sonntag, 26. September 2010, 08:22

Naja... wer weiß, was die wirklich alles noch bis zum nächsten Herbst machen. Und wollen wir mal hoffen, dass das Spiel nicht auch noch verschoben wird und dann tatsächlich rauskommt.

Früher zählte das Erreichte, heute reicht das Erzählte...



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Dienstag, 28. September 2010, 09:15

Wenn das spiel am ende dann wirklich einen co--op haben sollte und sie diesen bis zum naechsten herbst noch entwickeln und alles.. dann warte ich gerne auf das game *G*

Arkham City Bringing Open World and Linear Element...


Sefton Hill, game director for Rocksteady Studios’ Batman: Arkham City was recently had a conversation with PSM3 about their upcoming game. He was asked many questions, including what type of game Arkham City would be. His answer, telling us that Batman: Arkham City would be both an open world experience and linear story line experience, excites us because it already seems like it will work this new gorgeous game.

"We don’t want to define Arkham City as an open world or linear experience. While the backbone is still the strong main narrative, there’ll also be many character-driven sub-plots to reward gamers who explore the streets," says Hill.

"These optional side aspects will flesh out the story and show how many of Gotham’s greatest villains have adapted to life inside a new facility. So overall, there are elements of both a linear story and more open world adventure. I believe this combination will give the game a completely unique feel while remaining unmistakably authentic to Batman," says Hill.

The game is currently set for a 2011 Quarter 3 release date window.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Ceilyn« (28. September 2010, 09:15)



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Donnerstag, 30. September 2010, 10:24


Game-Director Sefton Hill hat dem PSM3-Magazin einige Details zum Detektiv-Modus des linearen Open-World-Spiels “Batman: Arkham City” genannt.

“Wir verbessern so ziemlich jeden Bereich des Spiels. Ein Beispiel ist die Verbrecherdatenbank, die mit einer neuen Befragungs-Mechanik gekoppelt ist”, so Hill.

“Der Riddler wird den Dunklen Ritter weiterhin mit kniffeligen Rätseln und Erkundungsaufgaben verspotten, aber die Position seines größten Geheimnisses ist nur ihm bekannt und den Leuten, denen er es erzählte. Anstatt deren Standorte anhand von Maps aufzudecken, wird Batman in der Lage sein, die Verbrecher zu scannen, um einen potentiellen Informanten zu finden.”

Sobald ihr einen Informanten entdeckt habt, beginnen die Kämpfe: “Da ist dieser Kerl, den du befragen willst, aber zuvor müssen alle anderen Gang-Mitglieder außer Gefecht gesetzt werden, während der eine verschont bleiben muss. Das kann sehr schwer sein, wenn Batman zu einer nahtlosen FreeFlow-Combo-Kette ansetzt.”

Weiterhin ist im Magazin zu lesen, dass der zuvor bestätigte Multiplayer-Modus gar nicht mehr so bestätigt ist. So heißt es dort: “Weder Multiplayer noch Koop wurden bisher angekündigt, aber bis zur Veröffentlichung vergeht noch ein Jahr - und viele Überraschungen warten.”



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Donnerstag, 30. September 2010, 18:52

Sehr interessant.

Ich könnte mir wirklich vorstellen, dass die einen Koop-Modus erst zum Ende hin bestätigen bzw. ankündigen. So als nette Überraschung... ;)

Früher zählte das Erreichte, heute reicht das Erzählte...


Montag, 11. Oktober 2010, 16:13

Oh man unglaublich wie ich mich auf das Game freue. Hoffe dass das Game noch besser wird als das 1., wenn das überaupt geht! :D Arkham Asylum war einfach zu geil!
<a href="http://eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/BBeast92/"><img src="http://mypsn.eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/BBeast92.png" border="0" /></a>

Matthias Brems

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Montag, 11. Oktober 2010, 16:42

Hier nochmal in groß:

Neue Fledermaus-Bilder



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Montag, 11. Oktober 2010, 16:54

Ein Glück findet man die neuen Pics auch ohne fettem Logo im Netz...
Thx anyways ;D
Spielt gerade | Battlefield: Bad Company 2, The Beatles: Rock Band
Wartet auf | Fable III, Batman: Arkham City



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Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010, 08:38

sehr geniale bilder :D
bitte bitte lass es bald rauskommen *g* :rolleyes2:


Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010, 14:07

Erscheint Batman: Arkham Cty im März 2011? Amazon.co.uk, Play.com und auch ShopTo.net listen Batman Arkham City mit dem Release-Zeitraum von 25-26 März.



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Montag, 18. Oktober 2010, 08:42



Warner Bros. has reiterated a release date of “autumn 2011″ for Batman Arkham City to VG247 today, despite three UK retailers have altering listings for the game to March 2011.

“Just to confirm, Batman Arkham City will be available in autumn 2011,” a rep said by email this evening.

The comment came in response to a shift in dating from Play and Shopto to March 25 and Amazon to March 26.

When the game was announced back in August, it was suggested it would be released in fall 2011.


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