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One of the coolest things that I've seen recently is the completion of the game's intro movie. It really, REALLY rocks the house... I think I've watched it about 20 times this weekend alone. Eamon (our video editing guy) and Mathias (one of our sound guys) have both been busy working on it for a while, but the final result is breathtaking. It's a departure from what we did with PGR2; this time things are much funkier and in your face.
The game has really been coming together as the last few bugs have been squeezed out of the database. The emphasis for the last month or so has been purely on fixing the bugs that the MS testers have found as opposed to development, with the programmers and artists being put on "lockdown". If you're aware of the in's and out's of game development, you'll know that every time you change something there's about a 30% chance of the game breaking elsewhere. We wanted to avoid putting in these damaging changes, so a committee of experienced producers and designers must gauge each fix's potential pitfalls and balance these against the benefit of fixing the bug itself.
The last thing we wanted to do was break something, so major changes have to be carefully considered in order to make sure it's as solid as possible. Then we entered the "neatening up around the edges" phase; just making sure everything was as polished and finalised as it possibly can be.
Original von Matthias Brems
Es ist definitiv NICHT fertig. Die momentan verfügbare Debug-Version hat noch etliche kleinere Bugs und Platzhalter. Weiterhin ist das 2xFSAA noch nicht aktiv. Es wird sicherlich noch bis einige Tage vor Release daran gearbeitet werden. Ob dann wirklich alle Bugs entfernt sind, schauen wir uns dann lieber selbst an aber davon ab... die Begeisterung des Entwicklers kann ich gut nachvollziehen, ich denke, jeder, der es schon anspielen durfte weis, wie ich das meine.
Wir spielen nächsten Mittwoch eine aktuelle Build, dann schauen wir weiter
[EDIT: Hier mal der Originaltext, dem ich aber die auf Xbox-Newz angebenen Infos nicht entnehmen kann:
One of the coolest things that I've seen recently is the completion of the game's intro movie. It really, REALLY rocks the house... I think I've watched it about 20 times this weekend alone. Eamon (our video editing guy) and Mathias (one of our sound guys) have both been busy working on it for a while, but the final result is breathtaking. It's a departure from what we did with PGR2; this time things are much funkier and in your face.
The game has really been coming together as the last few bugs have been squeezed out of the database. The emphasis for the last month or so has been purely on fixing the bugs that the MS testers have found as opposed to development, with the programmers and artists being put on "lockdown". If you're aware of the in's and out's of game development, you'll know that every time you change something there's about a 30% chance of the game breaking elsewhere. We wanted to avoid putting in these damaging changes, so a committee of experienced producers and designers must gauge each fix's potential pitfalls and balance these against the benefit of fixing the bug itself.
The last thing we wanted to do was break something, so major changes have to be carefully considered in order to make sure it's as solid as possible. Then we entered the "neatening up around the edges" phase; just making sure everything was as polished and finalised as it possibly can be.
Original von MichiMike
wollt ihr etwas wissen? PGR 3 läuft nun mit konstanten 30 fps....oh nein, es läuft mit konstanten 60 FPS !!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHA
Original von Matthias Brems
Original von MichiMike
wollt ihr etwas wissen? PGR 3 läuft nun mit konstanten 30 fps....oh nein, es läuft mit konstanten 60 FPS !!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHA
Dieses Post reiht sich wieder wunderbar in deine sonstigen ein. PGR3 läuft definitiv auf 30 FPS, alles andere ist totaler Quatsch.
Original von Matthias Brems
Weil man die Schwankungen der Framerate sehen würde, ganz einfach. Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als schwankende Frameraten in einem Spiel, ich denke das können viele PC-Gamer bestätigen. Laut unseren Informationen von Bizarre läuft PGR3 nun endlich stabil... und zwar mit konstanten 30 FPS.
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